Rachel Chihana

Name: Rachel Chihana
Country: Malawi
Job and highest qualification: MD, MBChB (Epidemology, Vaccinology and Drug Development)
Summary: Currently studying Epidemiology and Vaccinology and Drug Development. Clear research outputs – grant applications. Rachel has a strong academic background with a medical degree, as well as pursuing two masters’ degrees in vaccinology and epidemiology concurrently. She has several years of experience in clinical research with a focus on clinical trials for drugs for the treatment of HIV and opportunistic infections. She has expressed interest in pursuing a career focused on testing pharmaceutical products that could be beneficial to adolescents, especially for the prevention and management of HIV.
Aim(s): Progress from junior investigator to senior independent investigator. Aims to develop and implement research projects, particularly in the field of adolescents and vaccines.
Mentor: Dr. Keren Middelkoop