Rosemary Zulu
Name: Rosemary Zulu
Country: Zambia
Job and highest qualification: Public Health Practitioner (BSc. Public health)
Summary: Research interests include HIV, TB, ART and SRH. Would like to gain extensive experience in writing. Developed in-depth appreciation of the public health issues that adolescents face surrounding SRH and HIV and some of the existing gaps in reaching out to them
Aim(s): To gain research experience in the field and to develop writing skills and pursue a MPH. Would like to be exposed to research such as data collection, data analysis and protocol writing. Aims to develop approaches to ethics, ethics submissions, legal and logistical requirements while gaining practical writing skills by writing a paper for publication through mentorship. Further aims to do an academic talk and an abstract for conferences especially at a research meeting/international conference.
Mentor: Dr. Katherine Gill